Monday, 23 June 2014

"Use what talents you possess : the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang the best."   Henry Van Dyke 

FIRST THINGS first; the creative process was inexplicably blocked, so the 28th was unfortunately aborted. The final straw was Colorama booking the same night. Apologies to Robert Glover, Gullivers, Ryan Kennedy, Nick Cubley, and, especially, Jeff O'Toole. I'm sorry I couldn't pull things together, and thanks for supporting my idea. A chief worry has been building momentum and providing that DJ finale, Almunia brilliantly provided, but I gave up, and then, trying to rejig a night for the 21st I fell for the charm of Dulcimer and the side of the metro line I had shut out of my mind, upon embarking on this adventure. 

the night that never was

Kontiki Suite are amazing and I know we're in for a treat on September 14th. Their friend Steph Grant has kindly agreed to support and her singular style, and whacky forays into sound mean we should expect the unexpected. More to follow...