Friday, 31 May 2019


THE OBLIGATORY piece that no one reads but makes me feel better. The Soup Kitchen has bigged-up the magical Antoine Kogut and his massive talent superbly, so all I have to add is, thank you Test Pressing, and thank you Noise in my Head, for turning me onto it. Ménage à Trois is this mystical band who I've been buying cassettes off for years. They play art galleries and sometimes choose saccharine covers that they make sound wonderful. Otherwise they make perfect escapist popular music. Like Antoine, they have great taste as their very occasional mixes testify.

Anyone thinking of attending on the 17th July and in need of persuading, just run a bubble- bath and play Antoine's woozy long-player. Feel the air dissolve into bubbles and not the bubbles into air, then feel the weightlessness and ease that has suddenly become your life. It feels good, no?  I'm basically selling you a ticket to a dream. A dream whereby everything still feels good the day after. Not the sort of ticket that gets sold often... 

 Art-work by Ugo Bienvenu. Design by Steven Williams