Saturday, 18 July 2020


COVID-19, WHILST being a nightmare, has given me time to process some positive thoughts. I had put on some acts that would not have ordinarily happened. Antoine's London show was pulled, but thanks to a team effort, our show went ahead as planned. Jeb and Huw both met Chris, who was in a much better place to assist them than me. I caught Jeb spin some choice music with Chris and Fritz just before lock-down. A consummate gent as ever, he gave me my last handshake.

A second Torn Sail LP has become a reality and all I need is Huw to pop my copy in the post and wait about a fortnight. Excited. A big buzz for me last year was hearing Farel's Friday in July. George Koutalkieris then sent me a link to a new cut, and I was blown away. So pleased to see that same cut Early Morning Ferry precede an LP proper on Nunorthern Soul. It's the most accomplished piece on the sampler twelve and I'm proper made up. That said Huw's pal BJ Smith's breezy cover of the Prefabs mighty All the World Loves Lovers suffocates the song in summer. The world can be small and beautiful with enough quality musicians in it.

Music to forget COVID-19 has thankfully been a steady stream. Eclectics label is going from strength to strength with 2 twelves sent out and 2 in the pipeline. Of the 2 I've got Max Manetti's remix of Visions by Statues is the best. A haunting quality that teases out the vocal and still manages to scream out summer. And artwork by Santi Oviedo, whose mix series Brisa: Music for Tea can not be more highly recommended. Another label going down the Qrates route that needs support to realize releases is Balearic Social. Come payday I will be investing in it coz Misterioso by Expositions is brilliant. What was always a cottage industry is in greater decline when music this good takes an age to sell a 100 units. Begin has been posting some more of his mighty fine music on Bandcamp, most notably Super Barrio. There's enough for 2 twelves by my reckoning. Fingers crossed. We need lots more vinyl.

Or lots more cassettes. Another sleeve designed and crafted by Santi is Bobby Lee's Shakedown in Slabtown cassette. Only heard Sacred Swimming Hole then bought this pre-order on sight. The Rhizosphere DJ mix by Skyrager lovingly released by Good Morning Tapes is delightful, as is Manu Archeo's Cosmic Empathy mix released on Paesaggi records. Great mixes for contemplative long lock-down soaks, of which there have been many.

A few sevens have dripped through the pressing plants and fallen my way. I'm loving Saskia's understated synth pop gem, You Left Your Soul Behind on Stroom. My kind of bedroom bound gold dust. Thanks to Jason Boardman for sharing Maxado & Alex Figueira's Quando Sera. The flute version is glorious. Flower records spoiled me with 2 singles. Groovin' by Reggae Disco Rockers hits the spot whilst the brilliant Coastlines, West Coast, maintains their very high standard of sock free might. Would love to play all this music loud on a bloody great big beach, but instead it just wafts breezily into my modest outdoor space.

I have decided to invest more time and energy into SFH despite my misgivings about musical direction, live performance, and age. With no work-spar it is difficult, but music loving supersedes my love of art despite not having a piece of paper to suggest so. I realized this in Big Hands a few years ago when talking to a young band. I never get that buzz talking to folk in galleries. I only pursued study to improve my fanzine writing and worked to buy records and books and it sort of all spiralled out of control. Addictive personality in full effect. There will be a big announcement soon. Well, big, by my sorry standards.