Sunday, 12 January 2025
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Meaning there was less nepotism and cronyism and more education and opportunity. Now, with the end of the cold war, there is a complete inattention to the plight of everyday folk as unimaginative politicians inflate their own egos and get obsessed with one another.
Friday, 13 December 2024
137. Bigger & Closer (Not Smaller & Further Away) by David Hockney
IT WAS with trepidation that I entered the Aviva studio, thinking I was going to see another three-hour show. The last time I went, I saw Laurie Anderson. As compelling as elements were, it was sprawling in over indulgence and went on far too long.
However, despite massive reservations, once I found my perch aloft, I became drawn in and mesmerised. Aviva for once made perfect sense as its vast space became awash with a vibrancy that was both colourful and high spirited. I couldn't help but do a bit of people spotting as my eyes scanned the dominant spaces and saw miniature people sat to attention, laid back with their phones, lent against walls, sprawled out on the floor, and knelt down playfully. It very much had a festival flavour.
Lightroom's masterstroke is having Hockney's distinctively northern voice making pithy comments to guide us through his work with a sense of great purpose. An advantage he has over Van Gogh for sure is this artistic control. Artist Chanje Kunda noted that this gave the work an African flavour by evoking oratory art traditions perfected by the elders and passed down through generations. It certainly gives the exhibition its sense of reverence that means there's no casual banter, allowing the spoken word and image to coalesce. Prompting us to ask, 'are we seeing the work through Hockney's eyes or our own?' Probably our own. That said, the method helps us reach a better level of understanding his work without scrunching our faces in brain ache.
What came to life for me were the photographs I had dismissed. Possibly because they lend themselves to reproduction, or most likely because I now know what foregrounding time and perspective means. Hockney is a great entry point for this type of installation, as his use of colour is joyful. His big themes, water, spring, theatre; dramatic. It's a great appetizer, as I'm surely not alone in wanting to view more of his actual work now. There is a great big book near the entrance, a more comprehensive catalogue of his oeuvre with a £4500 price tag. I'm guessing it's still there.
I have my reservations about future installations working as well, but the three-year effort to realize this blockbuster art show needs commending. A blockbuster art show in Manchester. That's a first.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
136. On a Sunday by Nick Heyward
FINDING ONE'S way home after the party was always difficult and on more than one occasion, I needed neighbours to carry my body through the door.
Inviting him back to my mother's house to share a whisky was a bad idea. To then invite the more excessive remnants of the party, Bob's pal Nick amongst them, an even badder one. Finally, returning home on the Monday, I had my copy of this, the single I'd bought off Tim more out of pity as I already had one and a David Holmes single bought from Vinyl Exchange. On the face, just an ordinary Monday.
All I recall after my ill-fated stroll home, though, is one guy leaving and returning with strips of what he said was his granny's medication. The particular strip I bought only finished on Tuesday at work and lead to me collapsing, needing a stomach pump. On my hospital departure, I recognized some faces congregating outside and learned that Nick had died.
Sunday, 8 December 2024
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
134. Gypsy Soul by Tommy Bolin
Pretty sure this slow burning fire was a Melting Point post. This great record I'd hitherto avoided as Deep Purple crossed that line. That line where my eclectic taste sort of stubbed its big nose up in musical snobbery. That line that I now realize chalked out my own musical ignorance. I now let no stone go unturned when lending my ear, coz Bolin plays his acoustic with an understated drama that makes this flickeringly beautiful winter warmer so damned memorable. It was actually a toss up between this and the mighty Alexis, an earlier tune he wrote which is also brilliant, but the hot flamenco lead outro break sort of won it.
Yeah, it has been a pretty horrific week where I've had to compromise to stay in employment. Thank God I have this playing on the stereo to fall back on.
Friday, 15 November 2024
133. Gift From "La Mer" by Hajime Mizoguchi
THE ENIGMATIC Arthur Russell is the reason we all love a cellist. His recent reissues are a wow, go buy.
Mizoguchi, like Russell, had non-classical alliances. Notably Seigen Ono of Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence fame, besides ad industry experience. Prompting Diego Olivas to note “Hajime loved to make music that was contemporary and accessible, but in a way his music had a lot of ruminative and big-hearted romantic melancholy that one would shake off making purely technically-proficient music.”
This move away from sheet music towards more abstracted imagery was liberating as it embraced a digital technology that still sound so now, like this understated beauty, that floats along on a soft cushion of airy percussion. Sounds he created to induce sleep following a serious road accident that left him in severe pain with whiplash. (Cheers, Diego, again.)
Sounds that decades later still soothe troubled souls like mine with its masked complexity and warm energy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.