JASON BOARDMAN deserves big cheers for managing Horsebeach. In this here today, gone tomorrow culture, young bands need to be shrewder than their years and after watching them headline Soup Kitchen's basement, I'm pretty sure Ryan Kennedy is.
The LP dropped just prior to this night and my sole complaint was that it felt like a suite. I would've preferred Kevin's Box Bedroom Rebels Horsebeach tracks to have not been re-recorded. However, truly mesmerizing chord play that never fails to perch itself onto a catchy hook-line or sunny head nod. And a dead beat delivery, reflecting lyrical inertia, thus transcending standard pastiche by finding its own beauty and wonder, must surely make this the debut of the decade. I'm still in love with Even and on Friday night, it marked the point where this gig became something truly memorable, with light swaying and talk of jingle-jangle giving way to full body shuffling and talk of Manchester legends.
To write such glorious material, I knew Ryan was mightily gifted, but for the band to play so tight and confidently illustrated to me that this was a fully committed four piece. Drummer Matt Booth was especially focal and not afraid to deviate from the recorded work by putting his kit through some paces. Herein lies the rub. They are undoubtedly the best new band to surface in fucking aeons, but are nonetheless going to be branded a Manc four piece, evoking classic bands of the music press era, and this is unfair.
I much preferred the naturalistic 'thank you very much' that followed the rapturous applause after every song, and the crafty stoop down to take a swig of canned lager, whilst really adjusting the guitar phasers, than punk era posture that just felt more like pastiche through the generations. Liam might shout 'fuck' a lot at his paying audience, but I doubt he does to his favourite tailor.
The youngsters I spoke with (me being one of too many old farts), were wizened about universal pop, even placing their new favourite band into historical context, which made a massive change from the mouth foamers who reminisce about Manchester music through forty something rose-tinted specs, but I was appalled at the number of top shirt buttons fastened. To their credit, Horsebeach didn't have theirs fastened, but, as with all the best bands, I guess the snazzy wardrobe will be the last thing to arrive. They need to look better than us, but if anyone knows this, it's Jason.
It was fitting that he got a deserved 'thank you' as his belief has opened up distribution stateside, which is where this band's natural heart lies. I think they could fly over to Brooklyn right now and play that gig and receive a similar reception. London and the remixers await and I expect a lot more folk saying 'wow' in the not too distant. June and Faded Eyes are on a tee for Almunia remixes, incidentally, but I would say that.
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