Saturday, 16 April 2022


48. Goodbye Donkey Jacket by Brown Fang

OUR CIVILIZATION is fragile. Already stripped of nationalized infrastructures and industry, the great economic banking heist of 2008 was so severe that pensions, pensioners, legal-aid, average earners, students, the disabled, amenities, the unemployed, vital services, immigrants, the lower middle-classes, and, our high streets, all got tossed into a tory bonfire.

Covid illustrated that just as Corbyn had been saying, austerity, the measure that selected what should get tossed into it, was a choice after-all. It's no coincidence that its victims and their families were then tossed onto it, too. Just as it's no coincidence that all these smouldering factions, rather than rising up in solidarity, are now divided up against one another.

Brexit is basically the promise that they can get tougher still on some of these factions by escaping existing legal frameworks. A promise from a tory government addressing people it has already tossed into a fire might as well be a lie. Similarly, news, written to appease the same people, might as well be fake.

The British public simply can not conceive that the tory party can be so brutal and they need to believe in some unfortunate accident instead. And in some hope of a remedy. Tragically, civilizations take fucking ages to burn.

And because of that simple fact, I will post this splendid song to listen to as we slowly smoulder away. A song on a highly cohesive album that the good Dr Rob on Ban Ban Ton Ton describes rather brilliantly in the link below.

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