Friday, 30 September 2022


65. Shout (Extended Remixed Version) by Tears For Fears

CUTTING WELFARE during an economic crisis to cost tax cuts for the very richest in society.

Mis-recognizing your own little backward looking country for a superpower and then peddling all that trickle down bullshit. Slashing workers' rights to create even more profit to stash away in overseas tax avoidance schemes. Slating communism but quite liking the idea of forcing most people onto a minimum wage. Sorry, living wage.

U-Turning on animal welfare reform, clean air, sewage cover, and water quality, to concentrate solely on making money. Laws and rights are so fucking yesterday. Unsurprisingly, windfall taxing us to create a windfall for your mates. Growing nothing except your own narcissism. Collectively, a Himalayan sized growth.
Shorting the pound for hedge funds whilst making even more people sleep in hedges. Fighting fascism in the 20th century then congratulating fascists in the 21st. Free marketeering but clean ignoring the market. Heralding in a fresh new age of austerity like it's a good thing. Despite most people's pay already falling well below inflation and signifiers of abject poverty visible just about anywhere. Well, anywhere outside the Westminster bubble.

Upholding democracy to justify the world's blood on your hands, still whilst imposing this, is the cruelest of your undemocratic experiments yet. A week is a longtime in politics. Listening to Truss's many successful multifaceted attempts to be unpopular, an eternity. The Queen got out quick after a simple handshake.
Nothing even matters anymore. Insane.

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