126. Yuri-G by PJ Harvey
WHAT A brilliant afternoon. After washing my floors whilst watching American Psycho, I had to decide whether to listen to the golf on the radio or watch the telly highlights and go for a walk.
I had intended to walk to the monument prior to a trip to Gosfield to celebrate my lovely aunt's 90th year but got way-laid watching the mammoth ladies semi-finals at Wimbledon, so did it today. When I finally got to the place where both my mother's and her brother's ashes scattered after busy winding roads choc-full of cars kept slowing things up, two soft circling ravens met me.
lovely aunty with her lovely grandchildren |
Ravens have become deeply poignant and something I have had to change my attitude toward. They first lingered on my lawn the day my mother took ill then seemed to gloat after she'd died. However, by the time I celebrated my 50th in a Zurich restaurant replete with glass panelled ravens, I finally embraced the bird, which became emblematic of my mother.
My lovely aunty Pat is a great example of courage and fortitude. Partially sighted and dependent on semi-strangers entering her home, she is full of trust and joy. Reaching that age to teach us still. An atheist, she misses her long chats with my mother, whereas I still put words in mother's mouth every time I see a raven and peck her head. Almost daily.
Hoping her bearing witness to what has felt like a deep betrayal can have some sway in future outcomes. That is simply selfish, and I will just have to find the faith to forgive. Today was all about letting go. Praying instead that she rests in perfect peace.