Sunday, 20 October 2024



131. The Beauty in your Body by The Lilac Time

ALWAYS CHAMPIONED the underdog. It explains why I've got a soft spot for Stephen Tin Tin Duffy, who threatened to take off countless times but spent his musical career bubbling under. Kiss Me was the high point of his underwhelming stab at synth-pop supremacy and made it into my mate's ghetto blaster, but it wasn't until he resurfaced with the Lilac Time he became fascinating. Not that fascinating, so I was buying his records, mind. 

However, when Sifters put their sophomore album Paradise Circus in the racks for buttons, years later, I bit, and discovered this, my perfect comedown track.

Baffling why on a sunny Saturday afternoon I'd get back to the flat and lie star- shaped across the bed and sleep happily, but by Monday night I'd be coated in sweat with insufferable liver cramps, needing countless pillows to support my curled up, aching, body. It was pre-empting this and hating myself that the tune's slowly unfurling beauty came to life. 

Whilst still awake, before I became beset by fear, its pastoral elegance relaxed my tired mind. By the time the banjo and organ really kicked in, I could even pathetically romanticize my sorry state. Someone says it rips off Leonard Cohen, but I don't care. It helped me out big time. 

Only after seeing a fairly famous DJ post-afters curled up in the same discomfort as myself did I realize that there are no better-class drugs for richer folk. That was day one of my determination to knock it all on the head. 

Thankfully, despite now being sat-back in a comfy chair and clearheaded, I still love playing this eminently fascinating tune.   

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