Saturday, 22 October 2022


67. Give It Up (Benedek remix) by RTSAK

MUCH TO love about this twelve. For a start, the sleeve feels really luxurious. 

Red hot production but less louche and sultry, Antoine, no longer strolls sockless through the cosmos. He instead dances on the daft punk coffee table to a spangled 80s rhythm. Albeit, rather coolly, placing a greater emphasis on Batiste's guitar parts and adding a pop sensibility. But still fastening himself to a load of vintage analog equipment. 

Raphaël Top-Secret brilliantly kick starts his label cachette in collaboration, adding some refreshing earth beneath his work-spars astral leanings. Consequently, creating a vibrancy that gives it more than a sprinkling of funk. The musical equivalent of offering it a smile with a loving tumbler of Mezcal.   

However, it's this remix that does it for me. Benedek created the lockdown classic Mr Goods on L.I.E.S., perfecting the future-retro grooves that folk my age find really appealing. Nodding to the raw beats of yesteryear but with a pulse that places it firmly in the now.

The funk has added elasticity, changing this neo-soul wobbler's pace, sending it flurrying, tumbler in hand, onto discerning dancefloors. I'm properly hooked.

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